I met this little lovely through the internet. I checked her profile from another web site and asked her if she'd like to come over for a while. She agreed and here are the results , , ,
Don't be offended by the comments from the unwashed clods below. Just click on their monikers and you will note that none of them have women of their own, as evidenced by the fact that none of them have posted pictures of them. Of course, you can't post pictures of what you don't have, right?
a loser like you should not say never totoo... better than your right hand. My first question is; How much?
next question is; do you get a tattoo with your name somewhere? like carving your initials on a tree? I probably would, but i'm a horndog.
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My Dominican Slut
Posted by: Karmella
I met this little lovely through the internet. I checked her profile from another web site and asked her if she'd like to come over for a while. She agreed and here are the results , , ,